Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kaylee's Half Birthday!!

I can not believe Kaylee Marie is 6 months old today...where did my little baby go???  She is changing and growing daily!  She is constantly learning new things and noises.  She keeps Dustin and I laughing with her facial expressions and things she does.  She is a very happy baby, and hardly fusses.  She is on a routine, and is at her happiest when she stays strictly to it.  She is cooing, laughing, and always smiling.  Kaylee is a little attached to me at this point.  I leave her with someone like my Mom, and she LOOSES it.  I need to start leaving her more to break this anxiety.  It is just hard because she is with me all day long.  I don't want her to be like that, but what else am I suppose to do?  Here are her stats that we got at the doctor today:

86% in length
58% in weight
50% in head circumference

size diaper: 2 pampers
eating: all supportive fruits and vegetable's, oatmeal, and Similac Advanced Formula

Happy 6 months to my little girl!!!

She was very interested in the bear this month so it was hard to get a picture of her!  Love those chubby cheeks!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy 5 Months Kaylee!!

I keep telling Dustin "I can not believe she is 5 months old".  I say this every month....or more like everyday.  This morning he was holding her before he left for work and looked at me and said "I can not believe she is almost 6 months old"....haha.  He loves to make fun of me, but since I am not a morning person AT ALL it was nice to have alittle humor this morning.

She is eating her formula, oatmeal, and baby food like a champ.  Sweet potatoes and any fruit are her favorites by far.  She is not a fan of rice cereal or green beans.  We still strip her down to her diaper to eat.  She is getting better at eating, but still gets it EVERYWHERE when she eats.

We still swaddle her to sleep, and it is the only way we can get her to sleep.  We are in the biggest swaddle blankets they make, so I am not quite sure what we are going to do when she gets to big to fit in them.  She is in a size 2 diaper, and 3-6 months clothing.

She was not intrested in taking her picture at all this month.  She smiles all the time, but put a camera infront of her and she doesnt smile at all!
Kaylee loves to play with her toys, and has hit a lot of her milestones.  She however will not roll over.  She has done it a couple times from back to tummy and screamed.  Miss Thang hates being on her tummy.  She will roll over from tummy to back, and rolls from one side to the other.
Happy 5 Months Kaylee!!!

Kaylee is 4 Months old...a month late

I forgot to do Kaylee's 4 month post so here it is:

She is growing like a weed!  Some mornings when I go in to her room to get here I can not believe how much she has grown already.  This past month we had to stop nursing.  Mommy had a hard time with this, but Kaylee took to the bottle and formula like a champ.  She is such a happy baby now that she is getting the correct amount to eat.

She is very active and nosey.  Always has to know what is going on.  You love playing on your mat with your toys.  She smiles at everyone, and sometimes has a little separation issues when handed off to someone we do not know.  We are working on this though!

Happy 4 months sweet girl!  I can not believe it has already been 4 months....really 5.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Catching Up!

So I still have not done Kaylee's 4 month post...and she is almost 5 months now.  We have been busy here at the Clark household. 

I have some exciting news to share.  My sister Courtney and I have decided to start our own children's clothing and monogramming web page.  We are also going to be doing some peddler shows.  The name of the company is Baby Bear Chic.  We have been to market and bought clothes, took a monogramming class, bought the machine, and Courtney is working on the web page!  We are both so excited about starting up our own business!  I will post more later on Baby Bear Chic.

A couple weeks ago I made the decision to stop nursing.  Although I loved the bond I had with Kaylee while she was nursing, it was time to stop.  My body was not making enough milk for her anymore, so she was just angry and frustrated.  Then I wold get angry and frustrated.  She is on formula now, and SO much happier.  I am proud of myself for breastfeeding for 4 solid months.  Although some think that this is the wrong decision, I feel for Kaylee and myself it was the right one.  You have to do what is best for yourself and your baby. 

Kaylee is also eating baby food and oatmeal!  So hard to believe.  She loves everything, but green beans.  She is not a fan of green beans at all!  It is so funny when you feed her the fruit, because she starts to slurp and grab the spoon to shove it in her mouth.  The girl loves sweets!

This past weekend we baptized Kaylee.  It was such a special and touching time.  She is truly a gift from God, and I hope Dustin and I can teach her and help her keep her faith in the Lord strong for her entire life.

Happy Valentines Day to everyone!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year 2012

I will do a post on our Christmas later. I took lots of pictures, and since we are all sick again...yes I said we were sick again..I have not had time to upload the pictures. To top it off Kaylee is teething so she is CRABBY! We Are looking forward to what 2012 brings in the Clark house. Hopefully it wont be as full as 2011. With in January last year I lost my sweet Grandma Boeer, and found out about our great surprise Kaylee! We got to witness 4 wonderful weddings of friends and family, and I lost my job 3 weeks before Kaylee was born. It was a year filled with a lot of trials and tribulations. We are very excited on what God has in store for us in 2012! I am hoping we can start the year off with going back to church. I am also hoping we are going into 2012 with a better health record than this December. I don't like to make resolutioms, because I am not good at keeping them. I am just going to call them aspirations. Here is my aspirations for 2012: I want to lose 40 pounds I want to start running and exersising regularly I want to get more involved in the church I want to be a great roll model and Mom for Kaylee Trigger HATES New Years and the 4th because of the fireworks. He is seriously the worst bird dog ever. Right now he is wedged in between me and the recliner with his butt in the air, and his head under the chair. Scratch that he is now in my lap. Everyone have a Happy New Year. I need to go tend to this 3 ring circus in my house!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy 3 Months to Kaylee

Kaylee was 3 months old yesterday.  She sure is showing her personality these days.  She can be a feisty little thing...I think she gets it from her Dad ;).  Sorry the pictures are blurry.  I didn't notice it till I downloaded them.  It was hard to take pictures of her this month.  She was either looking at her tutu, or the dogs playing "chew face" behind me.

She loves to talk!  She is very fussy when she is tired, hungry, or not getting her way!  Other than that she is a happy baby.  She is smiling all the time...expect when I take a picture of her.  I am still nursing her about every 3 hours, and she sleeps from 10pm-7am straight.

Diaper size: 1
Weight: She was almost 11 pounds when we went to the doctor a couple weeks ago when she was sick.
Clothes: 3 month

Happy 3 Months to Kaylee!!

Mommy Needs a Sick Day...

So Tuesday was going to be a very busy day for Kaylee and myself.  WAS...I got up before she did and was not feeling great.  My stomach was hurting bad, and I felt nauseous.  Almost like I was pregnant again...good think I wasn't..haha.  I took a shower and got ready before she got up.  Hoping this "feeling" would just shake off and go away.  Right after Kaylee got up it hit me.  I was sick...very sick.  I put my sweats on and got in the bed.  Having food poisoning with a 3 month old is rough.  I have to say I looked really good for being sick.  I put on make up, and even washed and fixed my hair!  My busy day was soon put to a stop.  I had to call Dustin and ask him to come home.  I was in no shape to care for Kaylee.  She was just sitting on our bed in her boppy kicking and thrashing around.  Dustin came home and cared for the both of us.  When he got home his first words were "why do you have your hair fixed and makeup on?"...HA!  Good thing Daddy loves us both lots!!

Yesterday I was feeling a lot better, so I hit the ground running.  I got up and dressed, took Kaylee's 3 month pictures, and ran out the door.  I finished the Christmas shopping, went grocery shopping, helped Dustin take his deer to the processor, and wrapped presents.

Today is my cooking and baking day.  I am making homemade chicken and dumplings, 2 pies, and a homemade pizza for dinner.  I already finished my hen and broth, crust, and a load of laundry.  Kaylee is still sleeping so I figured I better get going on things, before Miss Thing gets up and its hell on wheels.